September 14, 2010

seminary part 2

so today i attended the adult seminary class that the west stake is offering( its at 9:30 am to 11:00am) on tuesdays.  i cant wait to read and learn more about the book of mormon this year. the teacher suggested we write down our testimony before reading the b of m and then again after, i think thats a superb idea.    eml was impressed that i (her mom) would also take a seminary class too.

September 12, 2010


well it has been 20 years since kll have finished early morning seminary and now starting monday morning seminary will begin for eml. She will start at 6:45 am to 7:30 am studying the doctrine and covenants.  jvl will be doing most of the driving and we are carpooling with 2 other families that live near us.