well if you all havent heard james decided to hurt his foot playing dodeball last week, this week he needed surgery. on tuesday he took emma out for her birthday lunch and then went to the physiotherapist and 3 doctors later told him to go to the peter lougheed hospital to have the achillies tendon operated on. he was at the hospital for 4-5 hours then they sent him home but he needed to be back at 630 am on wednesday. we brought james home on tuesday night then brought him back on wednesday morning where he waited all day, we were very bored sitting all day. at 1145pm the doctors finally called him in for surgery, then james called home at 7am to tell us the operation went well and he could come home after 9am. he has been home now with this giant heavy cast on, the girls are excited to write on dads cast. he is doing well, on medication and needs to keep the leg elevated for a couple of weeks. thanks to all the staff on unit 22 at peter lougheed for great care while james was there. thanks to all family and friends for their love and prayers on our behalf.