November 27, 2006

elizabeth' s many faces

me and my toque
those were sour candies!!elizabeth loves playing in the snow with her dog bandit

Emma's birthday

here are some photos of emma party with her friends.........julianna, kathryn, joli, shaelyn, nicole, kenedy, jordan and her sister elizabeth. Great presents were given such as a giga pet, miuchiz, bratz doll, rabbit webkinz what a fun afternoon!!

dodgeball injury

James was playing dodgeball on monday night, he came home early because he hurt his leg. The doctor said he has a small tear in his achilles tendon, the ankle is swollen and quite bruised

Here is Bandit aka DOG

J K Larson Family

J K Larson Family
Iam just learning how to blog please be patient with me until i figure it out

J K Larson Family

J K Larson Family
Let us introduce ourselves

James aka DAD

Krista aka MOM

Elizabeth aka DAUGHTER


Bandit aka DOG